Annual Exhibition (includes M.F.A. Year One Exhibition), which is a unique exhibition amongst tertiary art institutions will be held. Composed by the selected artwork show and the curated show, our annual exhibition acts as an experimental opportunity for students to execute some curatorial ideas.
B.A. Graduation Exhibition – ‘Once In A Blue Moon’
“Blue Moon” refers to the repeated presence of a full moon in the same month. This rare cosmic phenomenon symbolises preciousness, enchantment, and exceptional discord. As we lose grip of the control of our lives in this world of turbulence, we find ourselves drowning into an abyss of numbness, dithering in the mist.
The fortuitousness of the blue moon parallels its certainty, like how life is ephemeral yet planned, and how reincarnation repeats a cycle. The moon, which hovers eternally in the sky, is all that we have tonight.
The M.F.A. Graduation Exhibition has 2 M.F.A. graduates.
They will showcase their creative practices in various media, which presents their research on themes ranging from social, gender, identities and aesthetic issues, and offer multiple layers of perspectives and possibilities of artistic creation.
"Blooming Life, Nurturing the Future"
The theme of Chinese Art Practice’s graduation exhibition is “Blooming Life, Nurturing the Future”. It represents the determination of plants as they firmly root themselves and strive to grow, symbolising the act of bringing life to paper with brushstrokes......
“Others¹⁹” – Master of Arts in Fine Arts Graduation Exhibition (Contemporary Art Practice)
The Contemporary Art Practice’s graduation exhibition is titled “Others¹⁹”, with the numbers 1 and 9 respectively representing a start and an end. As the end of this school year is approaching, 19 students are about to embark on a new beginning......
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你好 試機
你好 試機
The theme of the Contemporary Art Practice’s Year 1 Exhibition is “3 Mins and 60 Sec”. From the moment you approach an artwork to the moment your eyes move away, the average time invested is only fifteen seconds......
中大藝術 2024(第一階段)展期由2024年6月2日至26日。